Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Insanely Sane

'Insanely Sane',thats me.Even after two years of finishing my graduation I am sitting at home ,not doing any major post graduation course or an MBA or MSc or any masters that might make people think that i am doing something sane.Relatives ask me " So what are your future plans?" I Say with a broad smile on my face " I am thinking of settling abroad".The reason I say this is ,because this way they think i am am doing something good and also this way i am not lying.Friends ask me " What are you doing dude? Its been two years since we graduated and you are still sitting at home,what do you do? I say " TIME PASS" ,with a big broad smile this time too.Now you might ask, why is this guy actually doing ? well here is my answer"I am following my dream".Yep working on a dream of mine which i have been cultivating inside me since maybe the last 8 years and now am truly devoted to it.If i start telling people what it is -which i am not going to for now- they will show their expression of amazement which shouts "He has lost it"or " where did this nutcase come from" or" Is he really an engineer's son ,who has an MBA and an Engineer as his siblings" or " where did this ugly duckling come from?" which when I think about in my mind , makes me grin.Well I have no calms really against these people.They have learned to live in a world where they do things what society tells them-The society which makes those rules which it thinks as sane.Well good enough,you live by your sane rules i live with mine-which you might think as insane.God Bless you :) .

I am not trying to be different here or like the one who walk against the tide just for style and that it's really cool to be different.I am just doing what i think is right for me.I am doing what i think will make me the most happiest.I am following a dream of mine, which i know will give me the most pleasure.At least i am doing what i love, rather than get washed with the same tide of the society where you do things as told and as thought of giving you a secured future.But i don't care about a secured future.I live in the moment,which when lived with awareness, surely takes care of the future.Someone has said " Do a job that you love and you won't have to work for a day" .The writer of the quote surely knew the truth of life.
I don't care if people call me insane or Crazy or idiot or bizarre because may be i am a bit crazy.I laugh at myself in the mirror,thinking about all the silly things i had done in the past(At least i have the guts to laugh at my mistakes),I sleep the most deepest when my 2000 watts speaker is at full volume,I think of sex(consensual) and love making as good and divine(which for society is insane),I stare at the window,thinking for hours,I sing without rhythm, I dance crazy for hours till i fally down laughing, I gave up an annaul 3 Lac job offer because i didn't like the field and the most important of all, I am living my dream which is Insane!!!........Oh yeah !!!I am crazy!!!

But on an insane(lol) point, I know I can do it.I know the reason behind people not following what they want, pursue what they desire. They are afraid of the uncertainty,afraid that it will be tough,afraid of the hurdles, afraid of failure, afraid of losing your path.I would be lying if i say that i was not afraid .I was a bit at some point, but i didn't allow this things to overcome me. I will put up some words of Winston Churchill
" Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”
Failure is a part of success (provided you do not make it a habit).Success will lose it value if it had no failures.I have decided to wake up and step outside the box of stereotype society and Pursue my dreams.I have decided to do what i wish,no matter how insane it looks to the society.I don't give a crap if people term me as crazy, insane,idiot,stupid because i know these words are temporary and will soon dimish with time,people will bite their own tongue later.For me,Success is the food and Failure is the salt.

But I am not sure if everyone will understand what am trying to say, for this is understood by those who understand life.It feels nice to be insanely sane.I get to live my life on my own terms ,without caring about what others think of me.Try it:Shave at midnight,dance crazy-not for others but for yourself, Talk to the wind and play with water, test your limits:-physical and mental, reach beyond them.Its during these times that you will truly discover yourself,the true person within you.And that time you will understand how insanely sane you truly are.Life is Precious and small,its by living in such moments that you will truly be able to cherish it and enjoy it to the fullest.Time is not a constraint, but we have made it that way, by not living up to it..Enjoy,dream,do what you want and be happy.Have fun for a while.
In tne end I would say,Be insane for a day, and you will be the most sane you have ever been.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


My Pleasure is my Silence. Have you ever heard the sound of silence? By silence, I don’t mean that eerie noise that you hear when there is no sound, but the silence of the mind, where there are no thoughts running around in your head. If you haven’t, I will tell you how it is. The sound of silence is your inner voice. The voice which we had jailed within ourselves by not listening to it. Over all this years, we had ignored it for so long that now it exists in a very small corner of our soul. It’s like a child who had so much to teach us but has been ignored for so long that we have ended it in a small dark corner. Luckily, I discovered this voice, when the beautiful world of meditation was introduced to me. Going through a very though phase in my life; I had joined a class, where I was taught on how to meditate. I learned it and through practice have been able to do it properly. Now here is a secret which I will tell you all. Meditation is not a focus but is emptiness. Don’t meditate by focusing, but meditate by letting go. And when you do that properly you enter the world of silence. The world which is so amazing, beautiful and so true. The world, where you don’t talk, but are spoken to. Where such wonderful things happen that you can only imagine. And when that voice within you starts to speak, it’s so pure and Godlike, that you feel mesmerized by it. It shows you images, images which reveal you the truth and reasons behind the situations that you are facing now. It will tell you the Truth of Life. Being one of those people, who now understand the life-death cycle, the reasons behind it, why we are born and why we are going through such phase in life, I feel blessed that I was able to enter this world.

One day, while doing the meditation, I was able to reach so deep into this world that I understood truly what nirvana is all about. Yes, I have experienced it. I don’t know if I deserved it or not but I am thankful that I had a glimpse of it. To explain nirvana to you would be like explaining such joy that you never knew existed. It’s a blast somewhere inside, a blast of so much joy, happiness, fulfillment, desire and many more. To make it simple to you, it feels like having the biggest and the best orgasm a 100 times over. The feeling fills you with so much of life energy that you everything around you starts looking beautiful. It’s like being born again. And when you are reborn, you are born with love, innocence and a sensitive heart. A heart which doubts nobody and loves everybody.

Today, I feel proud to say that, I am a Nobody but Everybody. Today, I am not a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew or from any religion but am just a Human born with the religion of humanity. Today, I am a Human born out of silence. Silence which took me in its Golden lap, whispered the truth of life to and released me back into the world with a reason to live for..

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Premarital Sex.

Premarital Sex.
Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex.
--Havelock Ellis

I have chosen to live my life on my terms.I don't really much care what society has to say about me .I am happy with myself the way I am.To tell you the truth,I seriously ,do not give a damn what the society has to say or their stupid rules on morality and Sex.Its my life and I live it the way I want to as long as I know that I am doing nothing wrong.
From the last few days this topic of premarital sex had been showing me its face by accident or by co-incidents. A friend of mine who is into theater is making an act where the main character -a hunk, smart, intelligent guy- keeps himself a virgin for the girl of his dreams but then when he meets her, she tells him that she is not a virgin .so what should the guy do now? Should he accept her or decline her? Somehow this caught my attention and I gave it a lot of thought. Looking at the male dominated society (yes its still male dominated in some parts of the world) where a male no matter how many girls he de-flowers still expects his wife to be a virgin. This is not only with boys but some girls think the same way and accept it.Though all are not like that but still such thinking exists even today.

So first lets talk about virgin partner issue.....

When a person is going to marry someone then why are you looking at virginity? Marriage is more about the desire to be with each other, enjoying each others company, enjoying and surviving the ups and down, liking each others qualities. When you say you want your partner to be a virgin, I would ask you one question? Are you marrying virginity or the Person? How can you be so stupid enough to let true love pass before your eyes just because he/she is not a virgin! And if you think that a person not being a virgin means is not loyal than its time you need to clear up the long wrong belief from the head. Even a virgin wife/husband won’t guarantee you a loyal life in future. That’s where love comes in. when you know you love someone and the other person loves you, than loyalty is there by default. I have heard people say that virginity is the best gift you can give to your partner. I say Happiness is the best thing you can give because virginity is temporary, Happiness lives on. Virginity is just an over-rated issue created in the country where we live. In the end I would say, marry the person you love without looking at her past because to be loved and to be in love leads to a good life.

Now lets talk about premarital sex .Most say its bad,not ethical and not according to principles..but who made these principles,the same society who seldom follows it.It tells us to deprive ourself of pleasure,sex and suffer but have they forgotten that sex is a natural thing.Isn't it an injustice on yourself?following something without having a reasonable explanation.I understand that some people don't agree,that they belong to one and only one and i totally agree with their thinking and understand their beliefs but try to understand what i am against.....all i am against is the people who say premarital sex is immoral.You don't like it don't do it.It's a free world,why are you stopping people from doing it?
People think that premarital sex is bad, immoral and society doesn't allow it and stuff.I agree our society doesn't allow it but be sure that you live by your belief.A virgin Expecting a Virgin partner is accepted but person who has sex with half of the town expecting a virgin partner is not at all accepted.If you can abstain yourself from sex for your special person its good..i mean its excellent but don't impose your beliefs on others or on your love and decline true love just because he/she is not a virgin.This will put a restriction and boundaries on your love.
As said earlier about sex and losing virginity I would also like to say that by pre-marital sex doesn’t mean to have sex every time or anytime. Over indulgence in anything is bad. Even too much of love has its own weak points. I have seen, mainly boys playing with a girls emotions just because they want to have sex with girls. This is where I stand against. Why do you play with somebody’s emotions just to have a few minutes of pleasure? I stand against this because when you do that, that’s the time when guilt starts to take its refuge inside you. And let me tell you, a life with guilt is a cruel life. It will keep on haunting you till the end and makes you hate yourself sometimes, which is not a good thing. Now many might ask, how can I get sex without playing with girls emotions (because that the time when girls submit, when they think they are being loved), My answer is that you are not the only person who craves for sex there are many more who exist in this world, many don’t have issues with having sex and are quite open-minded. Now some might ask the question “Isn’t premarital sex means cheating on my future partner”. My answer is, cheating exists when the partner exists in real. And if your partner is looking at virginity as an issue before marriage, than make him read this Post.I say have sex(its natural guys), enjoy life , God wants you to have fun but see to it that you are not cheating anyone, over indulging or playing with emotions for your pleasure and that by the end of the day you can still face yourself in the mirror. Remember sex is a part of life but it should not be the only reason of your life. I would also like to add one more thing which I have come to know through friends who have experienced both Premarital sex and sex with loved ones. They all had to say one thing “Without love, sex is not that pleasurable”. I would agree with the famous Hollywood actress and sex symbol Mae West when she said “Sex is an emotion in motion”.Emotions is an integral part of Sex.Thats what it means when they say " Sex with a loved one is called 'making love' and not 'having sex'.

I am not telling any one to follow what I wrote,off course everybody has their beliefs and philosophies but it's more important that what you are believing in, does justice to you and everybody.

I End the post by saying, life is more about enjoying, feeling good and loving but we should also understand the responsibilities attached to it.
Well,about me....I believe in making love.

Play Safe……..

Conversations With God.

"In The Moment Of Bliss"

My Small Conversation with God.....

I have a good tempo going on with God/universe(whatever you call it) .We talk a lot about a lot of things and here are some parts of my conversations with him, which we usually have with a sip of morning dew and a breath full of clouds.

God Asked" Rahul Don't you Get angry at me for all the pain you suffered?"
I Said"I was, at some point but in that pain you taught me the meaning of life and gave me some valuable lessons.

God Asked " Rahul do you really think i am so bad to be hated by so many people?".
I said " No god.its just that you were too kind that you allowed them the freedom to think that way."

God asked" Man is my greatest miracle and yet he acts so miserably,why so?."
I said " Lord,he is still unaware that he is a miracle"

God asked " why are people filled with Ego and Hatred?"
I Said " For they still haven't found the kindness of love."

God said " I am always there with the one who feels me inside him"
i said " Thank you god.If Only people understood it the world would be filled with miracles."

God Asked " Should I send another of my Sons out there,Rahul?"
I said "No Father,its time you send them your daughter because now only a Mother can teach them good lessons. "

I have some beliefs which follow...........

Spirituality is something that is to be understood.
Nature is something that is to be cared
Love is an emotion to be hugged and caressed
Life is something that is to be Cherished.

There is also a poem which I would love to share because its simply beautiful and has a good feeling attached to it.....

I Believe.

I believe in the sun even though it is slow in rising.
I believe in you without realizing.
I believe in rain though there are no clouds in the sky.
I believe in truth even though people lie.
I believe in peace though sometimes I am violent.
I believe in God even though he is silent.

I hope you liked what you have just read.....
Thats all from me ..
Have a Blessed day....


Crying in the Sun

It is said by some that men are not supposed to cry.......who said that? A highly rich person? A superstar? or some writer who thinks that his celebrity status means that his words are of Gods. I Cry... and I have no qualms against it and I mean real cry with tears flooding my eyes. I cry whenever I look around this world or read the newspaper and see that a 2 yr old is raped by some polluted mind. I cry whenever I see a poor mom trying to protect her baby from the cold night using only the small cloth that is remaining on her skin. Whenever I cry I try to remove all the pain that i suffer when i see such things. the limits of a men cruelness has no borders. Yes and crying helps too...i Sit in the corner of my small room and I cry for the poor souls who are fighting a war just because some guy wants to own some oil wells,for the people losing their babies to blind bullets and for the victims of human rage . And to tell you the truth crying helps, the soul lightens a bit. Today, I am letting a tear flow down because today I saw a poor man who is trying to support his family alone, whose wife died of brain tumor and he lives on the streets selling carpets on the roadside. He told me the government made false promises and took his land...and now he has nowhere to live. Is this mankind or does it means that a strip of paper has got value over a humans life. Anybody who still has some feelings or still has the so called heart in him will cry when he see's a small pup crying of hunger just because his mom is been taken by the restaurant owner because they think it is a delicacy. I think crying is a good thing when the mind is too heavy. It really helps me. If People think I am sentimental then damn yes I am sentimental because there is something behind my ribs which gets hurt when he see's or listens to the harshness of the society. Now as I sit here watching the sunrise...the tears start to slow down ...because the heart says. “Don't worry Rahul...no matter how cruel the world is but I am happy that you still listen to me and the Sun will always rise and with it will give you new hope .”

Blind Followers

"There are none so blind as those who will not see."

One of the dangers to the society today is the blind followers of religion. Who follow a religion blindly? But who can blame them? It’s not their fault but the people sitting on higher seats who want them to follow such things. Recently I went to a religious meeting where the priest talked about humanity and peace and in the end he said that his religion was the most superior of others., All must follow his religion .his god was the most superior. He talked about conversion from my religion into his..
That was enough for me and I left the gathering. I don’t understand why people have to bring superiority in gods and religions. Why would I follow another religion? If god wanted us to follow a particular religion he would have given birth to us under that religion. There must be a reason for us to be born under a particular religion, mustn’t there? These people who preach about superiority in religion brain wash the people and make them believe whatever they intend to. I mean how we can let someone else rule our belief and mind. Don’t we ourselves have enough brains?. We all know what sins we have committed under the name of religion and god. Have we even given a thought that in proving our religion superior we have caused deaths in masses and sacrifice innocent lives that do whatever their religion orders them to.
I am sure that the God up there must be crying. He created a beautiful creation that was supposed to live in peace and now they under his name are doing anything to destroy it. Why can’t we all just follow a religion of humanism where everybody helps another without bringing color, caste, religion in perspective?
Remember, when a person changes from one religion to another you are in a way changing your identity. You think you are changing your God for the better. It shows that you don’t believe in your creation by the creator. You think he made a mistake but remember God never makes a mistake. Its just that we have mistaken him .He exists in all .He just wants us to have some faith and gratitude no matter in which religion you exists.

Well about me, I prefer to live my life as a Humanist.

Whats there to live for..?

Sitting silently,Listening to my Soul.

Sadly, This question is asked by so many people .By friends...by close ones, by the people of these world who have had so many turns and tribulation's, filled with sadness to the core that they thing life is nothing to be lived for. There have been moments when i have asked the same kind off questions to myself. Why am I here? What’s there to live for when my life itself is trying to leave me? But than comes the answer from somewhere within...if you had nothing to achieve, no objective, you wouldn't be born Rahul.
We all know everybody has a reason for their sole existence but many forget it along the way on their way towards their road to achieve what they are not suppose to and in turn forgetting something what they were born to achieve and than they come to a stop and they start thinking "now what’s there to live for?"
Sitting besides the lake I think my life becomes worth when I feel the breeze. I live for relishing the facts that I am breathing air and am walking on my legs feeling the tips of grass rub against my ankles giving me a satisfying tinkling feeling which many people are not able to feel. Well that why I am here to live for.
God gave me a life that I think was so natural for which I cannot thank him more. He said to me I will give you everything in the world Rahul but you will have to fight for your life. Now isn't that how we are supposed to live? Fight for our life. I don't know why he said it to me this way, may be because I never asked from within in frustration what’s there to live for? Or because I know my life is enough for me to live for. I am in debt of my life for making my soul feel the sensations of a small running stream, listening to the water sounds of a small waterfall making it feel at Nirvana.
I sometimes feel that I have the worst life ,living with a disease of guilt that I am a human,a race who does things which even puts God to shame but then at the same moment it brings me close to myself because at least I have understood the importance of life and I know somewhere that I can help improve, if not the world at least someone and that am not fighting for money or religion.